door Waheeda Shadood | feb 3, 2022 | Lunch Recipes
2 handful spinach1 chopped tomatoLeftover brussels sprout (or stir fry beforehand with onion and garlica)1 egg1 half fresh chili pepper1 tablespoon of pumpkin seedsa splash of olive oil5 leaves of basilGarlichalf chopped onion After cleaning the Brussels sprout, fry...
door Waheeda Shadood | feb 3, 2022 | Breakfast Recipes
5 large frozen strawberries 1 small whole beetroot 1 tablespoon mix of flaxseeds and chia 4 pecan nuts 1 date 10 pistachos a half handful of spinach a cup of almond milk, or more depending on how thick you prefer your smoothie to be (no sugar) 4 tablespoons or more...
door Waheeda Shadood | feb 2, 2022 | Cancer Reflections
ingFifty-eight days ago I was diagnosed with stage 4 Uterine Leiomyosarcoma with 11 detectable metastases in both lungs. Incurable and palliative. Since then I have been in the care of the Netherlands Cancer Institute and Preventive Medical Centre. Fifty-seven days...
door Waheeda Shadood | feb 2, 2022 | Breakfast Recipes
All Ingredients are organic and each contain less than 8g per 100g carbs. Carrot, Ginger & Raspberry Energy 1 whole carrot about 2 tablespoons of cranberry juice about 3 tablespoons of frozen raspberry about 1.5 tablespoon mix of flaxseeds and chia 2...
door Waheeda Shadood | feb 2, 2022 | Lunch Recipes
Spinach and tomato salad with avocado and crackers 2 handful spinach1 tomato6 green olives in olive oil and garlic1.5 tablespoon cottage cheese2 slices of beetroot1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds2 low carb crackers1 ripe avocado Cut...
door Waheeda Shadood | feb 1, 2022 | Breakfast Recipes
Ingredients half carrot (if it is a large carrot)about 2 tablespoons of cranberry juiceabout 3 tablespoons of frozen blueberriesabout 1.5 tablespoon mix of flaxseeds and chia 4 pecan nutsa handful of spinacha half cup of almond milk, or more depending on how thick...
door Waheeda Shadood | jan 25, 2022 | Cancer Reflections
Forty-eight days since I was labeled palliative with a very rare cancer, Uterine Leiomyosarcoma with metastases in both lungs. Conventional treatment is limited to protocol which simply means limited personalised treatment. My life and that of my husband and son...
door Waheeda Shadood | jan 13, 2022 | Daily Stories (Dutch), Verblijf AVL
He dat is dr. Trum! Dr. Trum! Die bewegingen, het haar en blauwe scrubs herken ik. “Zo dat ziet er goed uit. Fijn om te zien dat u aan het bewegen bent.” Dezelfde open jongensachtig blij gezicht kijkt mij aan. Echt kijken.. in mijn ogen. Hij staat voor de...
door Waheeda Shadood | jan 12, 2022 | Daily Stories (Dutch), Verblijf AVL
Er is niets zo intiems als het delen van een ziekenhuiskamer. “U heeft eerder een catheter gehad toch?””Helaas wel.””Dan weet u dat het iets kan gaan lekken.””Mag u staand of zittend plassen?””Ik mag zittend...
door Waheeda Shadood | jan 11, 2022 | Daily Stories (Dutch), Verblijf AVL
U bent mooier nee ik bedoel ouder dan ik dacht… Sorry ik bedoel niet dat u lelijk bent, maar dat ik blij ben dat u ouder bent en dus meer ervaring heeft. Ja hoe red ik mezelf hieruit? Zo groette ik mijn chirurg dr. Trum terwijl in een kruishouding lig op de...
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