3. To grieve or not to grieve

3. To grieve or not to grieve

Forty-eight days since I was labeled palliative with a very rare cancer, Uterine Leiomyosarcoma with metastases in both lungs. Conventional treatment is limited to protocol which simply means limited personalised treatment. My life and that of my husband and son...
Kanker time-outs

Kanker time-outs

He dat is dr. Trum! Dr. Trum! Die bewegingen, het haar en blauwe scrubs herken ik. “Zo dat ziet er goed uit. Fijn om te zien dat u aan het bewegen bent.” Dezelfde open jongensachtig blij gezicht kijkt mij aan. Echt kijken.. in mijn ogen. Hij staat voor de...
2. No New Year’s resolutions

2. No New Year’s resolutions

I’ve never really been one for New Year’s resolutions. Do you know why? Because I’ve always done what I wanted to do. Never waited, never made big plans, never procrastinated… Simply turned my desires, my wishes, my ideas into action and my...
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