All breakfast and lunch recipes have been all made and consumed by me using my list of ingredients and food based on my sugar free and meat free lifestyle. Just experimenting in taste and being conscious of what goes into my mouth.
I have also added some recipes I have thrown together. Remember I am not a dietician however everything I use have been advised by my doctor dr. Trossel at the Preventive Medical Centre in Rotterdam, I have researched them and everything is organic. However please consult your own doctor, therapist, oncologist before using any of this.
Guidelines for an anti-cancer diet as a part of
a non toxic tumor therapy
Based on the principle of starving cancer while not starving yourself.
All research has shown that cancer feeds on sugar.
My new way of eating is based on a ketogenic/sugar-free/low-carb diet.
1. Eat organically grown fruits and vegetables as much as possible.
2. And that which has less than 10 g carbs per 100 gram to remain in ketosis,
3. Which means getting 70-75% energy from own body fat.
4. Not being dependent on sugar for energy.
5. Avoid fruit juices such as; orange, sweet melon, apple, grape, mango, pineapple. They contain too much sugar.
6. No sugar, alcohol, bread, rice, grains, potatoes.
7. Make vegetable juices or smoothies instead of fruit juices. I prefer smoothies.
8. Moderate protein intake. No red meat with the exception of bone broth (chicken, lamb, cow).
9. Fatty fish.
10. Since March 2022 I have added some more natural fat to my diet to prevent me from losing weight too fast.
Food precautions during cancer treatment
11. Avoid raw melk, soft and/or blue veined cheese, buffet food, old food, fruits and vegetables.
12. Wash hands always before handling food.
13. Wash tops of canned food before opening.
14. Wash all vegetables and fruit even when it has been pre-washed.
Vegetables and Carbs per 100 gram
Spinach (1)
Beetroot ( 7)
Turnip (6)
Celeriac (6)
Yellow paprika (5)
Brussels sprouts (5)
Green beans (4)
Broccoli (4)
Tomatoes (3)
Cucumber (3)
Kale (3)
Zucchini (3)
Lettuce (3)
Cauliflower (3)
Asparagus (3)
Chicory vegetable (0)
Endive (1,2)
Artichoke (9,5)
Aubergine (3,5)
Rucola (0,1)
Pumpkin (7)
Celery (3,5)
Cantharellen, Oyster mushroom (1,1)
Nappa cabbage (1,8)
Grean Cabbage (3,2)
Haricot Vers (6,1)
Red Cabbage (7)
Carrot (5,5)
Okra (4,3)
Bone broth
In March 2022 I decided to start my day with bone broth with lots of healthy add-ons. The broth was made from sheep and cow bone and left to simmer for 48 hours. With loads of vegetables and seasoning. I am not the cook my aunt is. She is an orthomolecular therapist, health and dietary practitioner. So it is a love broth. I have frozen portions in the fridge. Whenever I use this I add whatever vegetable is leftover from the day before and some extra seasoning: coriander, spring onions, rosemary, or whatever you like. You can also add vegetable sprouts and coconut milk. Turn it into an Asian soup, noodles. But seeing I am on a keto diet I use no added carbs. It is the most delicious breakfast and a great boost for the day. Or, a light and healthy way to end the day. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Vegetable sprouts
Since February 2022 I have started sprouting my own vegetables. I have a 3 tiered sprouting container and sprout broccoli, lettuce, red cabbage and will expand that to other vegetables. Do some research and start sprouting. Sprouts have more nutritional value that fully grown vegetables.
Fruits with low carbs
The following fruits I have added to my diet because of nutritious value and low sugars (< 10g carbs per 100g.)
strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, one date daily in my smoothie (up to 3 if you crave), avocado, passionfruit, cantaloupe, papaya, water melon, lemons, plum (I am allergic), kiwi.
Nuts and seeds
Walnuts, flax seeds, pecan nuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds
I love unsweetened coconut water and I drink filtered tapwater and of course tea. Almost 3 litres daily.
Daffee and Coffee
I drink one cup of ground coffee a day with oat milk. Not everyday but whenever I crave coffee.
Daily diet since March 2022
I start the day with a smoothie from one of the recipes on my breakfast recipe page.
I have decided to have a heavy lunch or rather eat dinner at lunch and vice versa. Lunch consists of fresh green and red vegetables and proteins (fish, eggs or chicken).
Dinner is now always bone broth with condiments as cabbage, coriander, coconut milk etc.
Curcumin (Tumeric), Basil, Oregano, Peppermint, Sage, Bay Leaves, Coriander, Rosemary
Fish, Chicken and Lamb
]Fatty fish (mackerel, wild salmon, herring, sardine (may also be canned in olive oil)), once in a while chicken. And, if I feel like eating red meat I eat lamb not to be confused with mutton. Lamb contains more zinc and iron than non-red meats. One ounce of lamb, grass-fed, has the same number of calories as grass-fed beef but has more health-promoting omega-3 fatty acids.
Olive oil, flax seed oil (for salads), walnut oil, sesame oil, almond oil pumpkin seed oil. No other oil.